Abstract Algebra Homework Help

Boost your knowledge of Abstract Algebra with expert-guided homework solutions.

Abstract Algebra Homework Help

Recently Asked Abstract Algebra Questions

Q1: Prove that the set of integers under addition is a group.

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The set of integers Z under addition forms a group because it satisfies closure, associativity, has an identity element (0), and each element has an inverse (-n for any n).

Q2: Show that the group of non-zero rational numbers under multiplication is abelian.

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The group of non-zero rational numbers under multiplication is abelian because for any two elements a, b ∈ Q*, ab = ba, thus satisfying commutativity.

Q3: Define a ring and give an example of a commutative ring with unity.

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A ring is a set equipped with two binary operations: addition and multiplication, satisfying ring axioms. An example of a commutative ring with unity is the set of integers Z.

Q4: Prove that the identity element in a group is unique.

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Assume there are two identity elements, e and e'. By definition of identity, e * e' = e and e * e' = e'. Hence, e = e', proving the identity is unique.

Q5: Let G be a group and a ∈ G. Show that the inverse of a is unique.

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Suppose a has two inverses, b and c. Then, b = b * e = b * (a * c) = (b * a) * c = e * c = c. Therefore, the inverse of a is unique.

Q6: Prove that the set of even integers under addition forms a subgroup of the group of integers under addition.

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The set of even integers is closed under addition, contains the identity element 0, and for every even integer, its inverse (negative) is also an even integer. Therefore, it forms a subgroup.

Q7: Is the set of 2x2 matrices with determinant 1 a group under matrix multiplication?

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Yes, the set of 2x2 matrices with determinant 1, called SL(2, R), forms a group under matrix multiplication because it satisfies closure, associativity, has an identity element, and each element has an inverse.

Q8: Let R be a ring. Prove that R^n (n-tuples of elements of R) forms a module over R.

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R^n forms a module over R because it satisfies the axioms of a module: closure under addition, scalar multiplication, and distributive properties hold for R^n.

Q9: Prove that a finite group of prime order is cyclic.

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A group of prime order p has no proper subgroups and every element generates the entire group. Hence, the group is cyclic.

Q10: Show that the set of complex numbers under addition is a group.

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The set of complex numbers under addition forms a group because it satisfies closure, associativity, has an identity element (0), and every element has an inverse (-z for any z).

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